Hand out Information

You can download some leaflets here. Hand them out to friends and family, or leave a stack of them in a public place.

'Spam' your friends

Just copy the letter from below and email it to all of your friends. Or, download the pdf version on official Journey of Hope letterhead, and print a copy for your friends and family.

Dear Friends and Family,

This summer, I am going to be cycling over 4,000 Miles from San Francisco to Washington DC to raise money and awareness for people with disabilities. I will be on one of three teams of 30 cyclists that make up the Journey of Hope. I have pledged to personally raise $8,000 and together the teams will raise over $500,000 for Push America (www.pushamerica.org). This money will be given to individual projects within Push America, as well as to external organizations that serve people with disabilities. Push America will use the money raised to improve the lives of people with disabilities by building accessible playgrounds for children with disabilities, improving accessibility in the homes of people who could otherwise not afford it, and by giving grants to organizations such as summer camps that serve people with disabilities.

As a team, our dedication does not stop with raising money and cycling. Along the way we will be stopping and personally giving a hand at organizations serving people with disabilities all over the United States. We will also advocate at schools and community centers by educating children and adults about the abilities of people with disabilities by putting on puppet shows, playing a round of wheelchair basketball, or hosting empathy dinners that use role-play to show guests what it is like to live with a disability.

To learn more about Push America, the Journey of Hope, and my personal history with them, please visit my website at http://myjoh.serbus.eu/, or contact me by email at . It is my hope that you will help me with my journey by making a donation today. On the website you will find a link with information on how to sponsor me by making a (tax deductible) donation to Push America. You can also donate $5 right now by texting PUSH150 to 50555 from your mobile phone, or you can mail in your donation by following the instructions below.

Even if you can’t personally make a donation, you could help a lot by forwarding this on to someone who might be able to. For once, a bit of “spam” might help change the world for the better, one life at a time.

Jeff Serbus


To mail in your donation, you can write a check out to ‘Push America’, and in the memo write ‘JOH 2010 – Jeff Serbus’. Then simply mail it to:

Push America
P.O. Box 241368
Charlotte, NC 28224

Post a Link

To make it easier, I have created a few different links for you to use to link to my site. Just copy the html from the text box, and the link will appear on your site just as it appears below. Don't let me get in the way of creativity though, feel free to make your own links as well!

Image Links

800px by 25px (For above the title bar. Sample scaled to fit this page.)
We support Jeff on the 2010 Journey of Hope
200px by 300px
Jeff Serbus is raising money and awareness for people with disabilities by cycling over 4,000 miles from San Fransisco to Washington D.C..  You can help him by texting 'Push150' to 50555 to donate $5 now.

160px by 250px
We support Jeff on the 2010 Journey of Hope

Text Links

We Support Jeff on the Journey of Hope
Help Jeff cycle across the country for people with disabilites
We are helping Jeff cycle across the country for people with disabilites

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