Lake Tahoe – 95 Miles Uphill in the Snow

June 16, 2010

Today was the day that is known to be the hardest ride on the Journey of Hope. I hope they are right. We rode about 95 miles today, uphill, and in the snow! Ok, we didn’t ride in the snow, but there was a lot of it on the side of the road. We took much longer than the past few rides, and ended up going over three mountain passes. The first was at Kirkwood, the second was Carson Pass, and the third was just outside of Lake Tahoe. I started the ride in a group of five, but as we went, guys came and went. In the end, I was with two other guys, Tucker from Iowa, and Shaun from Indiana.

We really pushed each other hard, and took the ride one uphill at a time. We started riding this morning at 7am, and rolled into lodging at about 7pm! It was so cold on the tops of some of the passes that even cycling hard couldn’t keep me warm! By the end of the ride, I felt like I had the flu… My body ached all over, my nose was running, throat was sore, and had some severe chills. I’m just happy that it’s over, and am looking forward to taking tomorrow off! We’ve got a free day in Lake Tahoe, and I plan on staying in and taking a few naps.

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