Lincoln, NE – 100 miles
July 14, 2010
I decided to be a sweep today because I haven’t done it in a while. Due to some unavoidable flat tires, and other obstacles we had to be racked up about 20 of the 100 miles. I’m not sure how many other pacelines had to be driven up as well, but am sure it was more than usual. Upon our arrival, we had some great food waiting for us at the chicken restaurant Raising Cane’s. We then finished the ride from there to the local Pi Kappa Phi house where we’ll be staying tonight. I found out that the heat index was 109 today due to such high humidity and more rain is expected tonight! This afternoon would have been a day off, but I lost a screw from my shoe, and had to use this time to head to a bike shop. It’s all sorted out now though, and should be good for the rest of the trip. Once we got back, we headed out to dinner with the Sertoma club, where we had a delicious meal, and some great company.
Our final event of the day was a dance with the Arc of Lincoln. We were heavily outnumbered, so I spent the evening trying to grab people sitting around the edges and pulling them in to join the dance. Once I got them going with a group, I went to grab the next person. It was a lot of fun, and I actually remembered to take a few pictures.
I also need to say a big thank you to Dennis Cooley, a fellow Pi Kapp alumnus from Rolla, and my good friend Logan Smith whom I’ve known since high school for their donations. Thanks guys for your support. If anyone else out there is waiting to donate, wait no longer, you can do so at "