Park City – 0 Miles!
June 28, 2010
We had a day off the bike today, but that doesn’t mean we had a day off! We had a great breakfast at our sponsors, the Vaeth’s house. We then had a bit of time to go to the bike shop and take care of our bikes. I brought my wheels in to be trued, but found out it would be $15 per wheel, so decided to wait until they were a little more off. The main programming of the day was a visit to the Boys and Girls club in Park City. We put on a puppet show for the kids to teach them about people with disabilities, and gave them a chance to ask the puppets questions about what it’s like to have one.
So what else do cyclists do on their day off? Mountain biking of course! The Vaeth family sorted out the bikes for us, and we all headed up the mountain. When we got to the starting point, we found out that helmets were not provided, so we had to have all of ours brought up from the house. When all was said and done, I found myself without a bike, so I volunteered to sit this one out. The guys with bikes set out on their way, only to find themselves lost on the trail, and taking a few spills. A lot of guys were having a great time, but for safety reasons, we decided to pull everyone off of the mountain.
Lastly, and probably the highlight of the day was our dinner with the Utah Federation for the Blind. This was a group of kids with varying degrees of visual impairment. I noticed a little girl sat by herself, and ended up spending the evening chatting with her. She wasn’t completely blind, but still needed a stick to get around. She was interested in fractions, and even had a few tips for me on how to be a great math teacher.
Somehow in all the fun today, I didn’t snap a single photo! Hope to remember tomorrow!