Griswold, IA – 65 Miles
July 16, 2010
It was all rolling hills today, but not that bad of a ride. We ended on the outskirts of Griswald Iowa, and had a day off of sorts. I was in a shorter paceline than usual today, with only three of us. At some point we decided that we were the Wolf Pack, which somewhat explains the picture. After arriving, we headed out to a quarry lake, where there was a rope swing and a slide. This is where we met up with Dave Adickes, a guy that rode the Journey about a decade ago. He and his family served us a wonderful dinner at the lake, and we just spent the rest of the day relaxing, preparing for the big city of Des Moines. For those of you who forgot, or haven’t read through my other pages, my wife Laura is working in Des Moines this summer at the Easter Seals Camp Sunnyside, so tomorrow is a pretty important day for me in that respect too! I can’t wait to finally see her again!