Sandusky, OH – 70 Miles

August 4, 2010

This morning started with breakfast at the local Pi Kapp house, cooked by the kitchen staff of a local camp that Push America has been helping for many years (I’ve unfortunately forgotten the name of this camp). We were then off to Sandusky where we met up with a group from Double S Industries ( We had lunch with them, which quickly turned into a dance. While there, a few showers rolled through, but luckily we were under shelter so it didn’t affect us that much. We even managed to have a water balloon fight once the rain stopped. After a long visit with them, we headed out to Cedar Point, a local amusement park. I was walking around with a friend who had previously worked at an amusement park and did not like the rides, so our group spent most of the time riding the train around the park. I had fun relaxing, and enjoyed the chance to joke around with some of the guys.

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