Cleveland, OH – 50 Miles
August 5, 2010
We headed to Cleveland today where we made our arrival at the Rock and Roll hall of fame. I didn’t think I’d really find that much to do in there, but by the time that we had to meet up, I wasn’t ready to leave. I looked at some of the exhibits, but was most entertained by the videos showing how Rock and Roll has changed over the ages. It was great to hear a lot of the old classics that I haven’t heard since I was a kid. I grabbed a list of the artists from the videos, and will have to update my music collection with all of the songs from the last 5 decades that I had previously forgotten about. Our next stop was the Cleveland Clinic Children’s hospital. We only showered up and dropped our bags off, because we’ll be staying there tonight and tomorrow. After a small break, which I used as nap time, we headed out on the Nautica Queen, a dinner boat that took us out for a trip on Lake Erie. I had a chance to talk with a guy called Kyle who went on Build America last year. It was great to hear about other programs of Push America, as I had never heard a personal account of what Build America is like. If I had the time, I would definitely like to do that, but probably won’t want to spend another summer away from Lolly! It was also great to talk a little bit more with members of my own team. There are still a lot of stories to be told, and only about a week left to tell them.