Craig, CO – 90 Miles
July 1, 2010
Our first stop in Craig was the Boys and Girls club, where despite being exhausted from the ride, we spent the afternoon with the kids. Our visit started with a “Kids on the Block” puppet show, where we taught the kids about what it might be like to have a disability, and how to interact with people who have disabilities. After our show, we had a chance for the kids to show us what they like to do at the club. I started out on the soccer field with some kids and a few of my teammates. We played for a little while, but it wasn’t long before we were all short of breath. So I headed inside, and met a kid who wanted to ride bikes. I didn’t really want to get back on my seat after the long day, but luckily the Boys and Girls club had a room full of bikes, and I found with a big comfortable seat that just about fit me. The day didn’t end there though, after an hour or so riding around the parking lot, we headed back in and visited the DDR station. For those who don’t know DDR stands for Dance Dance Revolution, a video game where you have to dance out the pattern that appears on the screen. At this point, I’m not sure where I got the energy to keep going, but managed to dance out quite a few rounds.
There was no time for naps today, because we left the Boys and Girls club straight for dinner with Horizons, and assisted living company. We had the chance to interact with some of their staff and clients, and present them with a grant check.