Omaha, NE – 50 Miles

July 15, 2010

Today turned into a pretty short day due to construction. We rode about 40 miles total, which used to seem like a lot, but is now a pretty easy day. Omaha is home to Trent, one of our team members, and we were greeted by his parents with an all you can eat buffet at a local Mongolian Grill restaurant. We’ll be staying in a Church tonight, and to our luck there is a YMCA across the parking lot that let us into their showers for a few hours this afternoon.

We had a great friendship visit today with the Ollie Webb center. We started with dinner, but were also graced with some live music by a local musician. When we arrived I met a guy named Mark, and soon realized he had cerebral palsy, and with the help of a paper keyboard we were talking pretty quickly. We hung out all night, starting with dinner, and then moving onto dancing and listening to the music. I feel like I made a connection with him, but wish I had some more time to get to know him. I did however send him off with the address of this website, so I hope he’ll take the time to look me up after we’re gone.

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