Cedar Rapids, IA – 80 Miles + 10

July 20, 2010

After two days off of the bike, it was pretty rough getting back on today! We were supposed to go about 80 miles today, but because of a detour ended up adding an extra 10 miles on to that. The ride started getting easier around mile 40 once I got into the rhythm, but the last ten just about killed me. We didn’t have any lunch plans to keep, so we were allowed to ride as long as it took to get in.

Once we got into town, we headed to the Arc where we’ll be staying tonight. It’s mainly an office building, so we had to go next door to the YMCA to shower up. We only had one small room to throw all of our bags in, and will get more space tonight to sleep, but that didn’t stop some of us from curling up on the floor amongst the bags to get a much needed nap.

We ended the day with dinner in a park with the Arc, and many of the people they serve. There were a few kids that came out as well, so we put on one of our puppet shows, and chowed down on some of the greatest BBQ I’ve ever had!

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